Thursday, June 20, 2013

To Love...Genuinely.

Let love be genuine."-Romans 12:9
Genuine.  Let love be genuine.
So many times I’ll love selfishly - only doing something that seems kind or good, because it will benefit me.  I’ll only want to love someone, truly love them, if they’ll give me love in return.  Or, I’ll not truly love someone because it’s too hard to.  They’re too hard to love, I’ll tell myself.  But really, I’m pretty hard to love myself. 
If I truly loved as Christ loves us, then my whole outlook would change.  Instead of worrying about random this or random that while talking to someone, I’d switch from talking to listening - with both ears.  I’d ask about their week, I’d be sincere, I’d cry when they cried and laughed when they laughed.  I’d love them, truly, completely - genuinely.  
It means I’d pray for them constantly.  It means that I would ask them about their faith, their Bible time, their relationship with God.  With God’s help, I’d encourage them - pointing them towards Him.  I wouldn’t compare, wouldn’t judge, wouldn’t be too harsh.  I’d love them as Christ loves us - completely.  I’d forgive instantly and never hold grudges.  I’d “bear their burdens" with them.  I’d show them I was there for them - that God was there for them.  
I wouldn’t be fearful, or nervous, because my goal would not be “how does this make me look?", but "how does this look to God?"

With God’s help I can.  And it’s because He loves me, that I can love them.  Perfectly, completely, fully, trustingly, wholly…

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